Understanding and managing package trust

Understanding trust
Trusting additional keys

apt's ability to access multiple package sources leads to a potential security vulnerability. Suppose you add an archive of packages published by Joe Random Hacker to your sources.list file in order to install Joe's gargleblast package. It is possible, however, that -- unbeknownst to you -- Joe's archive also contains his own customized versions of packages such as libc6 and ssh...versions that steal your private information or open backdoors on your system! If these packages have higher version numbers than the legitimate Debian packages, apt will blithely install them on your system during your next upgrade, allowing Joe to do his dirty work undetected. Joe could also break into your mirror of the Debian archives and replace the legitimate software with his doctored version.

Luckily, newer versions of apt and aptitude, such as the version documented in this manual, have built-in safeguards to help defeat this type of attack. apt uses strong security mechanisms based on the popular GPG encryption software to verify that the packages being distributed from the official Debian mirrors are the same packages that were uploaded by the Debian developers. aptitude will then warn you if you attempt to install a package from a non-Debian source, or if you attempt to upgrade a package that was installed from a Debian source to a version that came from a non-Debian source.


The security mechanisms in apt provide a near-perfect guarantee that the contents of your archive mirror are identical to the contents of the master Debian archive. However, they are not a panacea: for instance, there are many ways that a tampered package could theoretically find its way into the master Debian archive.

Ensuring that you only install software from a trusted source will give you an important degree of protection against malicious packages, but it cannot eliminate all the risks inherent in installing software.

Understanding trust

apt allows the administrator of an archive to provide a signature of the archive's index. This signature, which (for all practical purposes) cannot be forged, indicates that the package files listed in the index are the same files that the administrator intended to place in the archive: ie, that the contents of the archive have not been tampered with since it was created.[9] The signature can be validated by checking that it corresponds to the administrator's public key. The public key of the Debian archive is distributed with apt, typically on your Debian CD.

When aptitude downloads an archive index, it will check whether the index is properly signed. If it is unsigned, aptitude will not trust package files from that archive. (see below for information on what this means) If it has a signature but the signature is incorrect or cannot be verified, a warning will be printed and aptitude will refuse to trust packages from that archive.

Later, when you perform an install run, aptitude will check whether the packages are from trusted sources. If an untrusted package is being installed, or a package is being upgraded from a trusted to an untrusted version, a warning will be displayed and you will have the opportunity to abort the download:

Trusting additional keys

You might find it useful to allow apt to trust additional archives, besides the main Debian archive. For each archive that you want to trust, you will have to acquire the public key that is used to sign the archive's package index. This is typically a text file whose name ends in .asc; it might be provided by the site administrator or downloadable from a public keyserver. For more information on what public keys are and how to get them, see the GPG web page.

The list of keys that apt will trust is stored in the keyring file /etc/apt/trusted.gpg. Once you have the GPG key, you can add it to this file by executing the command gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --import newkey.asc. aptitude will then trust any archive that is signed with the key contained in newkey.asc.


Once an archive's key has been added to the APT keyring, it will be trusted just as much as the main Debian mirrors themselves! You should only do this if you are very confident that the key you are adding is correct and that the person who holds the key is trustworthy and competent.

[9] As noted above, it does not indicate that the packages in the archive are secure, or even non-malicious; it merely shows that they are genuine.